Caricatures are a great gift idea for birthdays, anniversaries, sporting club milestones, workplace colleagues, or just about any occasion. All caricatures are rendered on 300GSM A3-sized paper – portrait or landscape – with your choice of colour or black and white.

Like snowflakes or fingerprints, no two human faces are alike. Unless you are one half of identical twins – in which case this analogy completely falls apart, much like a hard shell taco on first bite (which is an analogy that ironically holds together quite well).

Keeping in mind that it is extremely unlikely that I would know the person you want your caricature of, what I require is at least 2-3 high resolution photos that you believe are good representations of the subject and some background information on what else you would like represented in the caricature.

Some common examples of things to think about are; what are their hobbies, favourite item of clothing, favourite food or drink, favourite sporting team or movie. Things that are associated or infamous with this particular person.

Prices will vary depending on colour choices, delivery times and mediums. And remember – I’m only as good as the photograph you supply! Please contact me for further information and pricing.